
  • 2022-10-21 18:05:15
  • 来源:


Agilent HP 8660C 10KHz-2.6GHz 合成信号发生器


Description: The Agilent HP 8660C is arefurbished Synthesized Signal Generator that utilizes a wide range ofavailable plug-ins to make up a complete Signal Generator System(plug-ins sold separay).

Product Specs:

Direct keyboard entry of CW output frequencies 10kHz to 2600MHz (plug-in dependent, sold separay) Synthesizer stability and accuracy 1Hz resolution (2Hz above 1300MHz) Calibrated output over >140 dB range AM, FM, FM, or Pulse Modulation Fully TTL programmable

Other Info:The Agilent HP 8660C offers directkeyboard entry of CW frequencies. Increased performance capabilitiesover the 8660A including digital sweep, frequency stepping, control offrequency with a tuning knob, and a ten-digit numerical display. Auto,Single, or manual digital sweep with selectable speeds of 0.1, 1, or 50seconds.See 866xx Series for Plug Ins
