Tektronix P5200 25MHz 原装探头
The P5205 is a 100MHz Active Differential Probe capable of measuring fast rise times of signals in floating circuits. This 1,300V differential probe can measure safely voltages in IGBT circuits such as motor drives or power converters. It is specifically designed to operate on Tektronix oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE® interface.现货供应,咨询!:深圳市嘉惠捷科技有限公司: 王R手 机 :客服 : : wht19823:86641139公司:http://www.test-e.com/公司地址:广东省深圳市南山区西丽留仙大道西丽蓝天花园山水阁13F本公司*销售!现金回收:租赁:网络分析仪、工厂报废仪器回收、无线综合测试仪、频谱分析仪、 视频图象信号源、LCR测试仪、高/低频信号源、示波器、万用表、电子负载、频率计、二手进口高挡仪器,等等二手仪器出售/维修/收购。有货请与我取得!迎!