厂家直销 意大利品质旋转喷头 高压自旋转喷嘴莲花高压喷头
优 点:节省水源,节省工作时间,提高工作效率。
名称: 高压旋转喷头
类别: 高压旋转喷头
型号: 280
利用离心力,产生大的冲击力及喷射型,因为它的可靠性及效率好,已被广泛使用。旋转喷头以0度喷射高压水并作圆周运动,从而大大增加对清洗物表面的摩擦,轻松去除污垢。旋转喷头是清洗机附件中为重要的附件之一,其清洗能力是一个传统25度喷头的2倍。我厂研制的精度的陶瓷噴芯及口垫配以高强度的铜套和不锈钢套,型号工作压力喷嘴材料进水螺纹较高温度2.53600喷瓷1/4 内螺纹或
60001/4i内螺纹 60摄氏度Accessories-High Pressure Nozzle TipsPCM01Turbo/rotating nozzles
Use centrifugal force to produce a strong impact and a spray pattern. Due to the reliability and effectiveness, rotary nozzles have been widely accepted. The nozzle rotates a spray pattern in a circular motion to break down tough dirt and grime. By spinning the discharge water, the spray adds additional scrubbing ability to the cleaning process. Turbo nozzles have been one of the accessories developed, It provide a 200% cleaning efficiency a 25-degree flat fan nozzle.Nozzle SizeWorking pressureNozzle materialWater inlet.temp.2.5360Ceramic1/4in. Female or
1/4in. QD plug60°C(140°F)3.03603.53604.03603.06001/4in. Female or
Turbo/rotating nozzles
Use centrifugal force to produce a strong impact and a spray pattern. Due to the reliability and effectiveness, rotary nozzles have been widely accepted. The nozzle rotates a spray pattern in a circular motion to break down tough dirt and grime. By spinning the discharge water, the spray adds additional scrubbing ability to the cleaning process. Turbo nozzles have been one of the accessories developed, It provide a cleaning efficiency a 25-degree flat fan nozzle.
◆ 产品特点
▲ 黄铜外壳\不锈钢外壳
▲ 金属陶瓷喷嘴
▲ 单嘴高速自旋转
◆ 产品优点
▲ 打击力:单嘴旋转喷头的打击力接近柱形喷嘴。
▲ 作业宽度:作业宽度与扇形喷嘴一样。
▲ 作业效率:综合了柱形喷嘴与扇形喷嘴的作业优点,是高效的清洗附件,作业效率是扇形喷嘴的2倍以上。
▲ 喷嘴设计,阻力较小,打击力高于同类产品。
▲ 节省投资:高的作业效率较大发挥了主设备的效益,节省项目投资。
◆ 产品应用
我厂是一家专业生产组装高压清洗设备、高压清洗喷嘴的制造商。其产品品种齐全、质量可靠价格公道,且供货周期短、售前售后服务好,如有需要,欢迎来电索取详细资料!电话:13093013656 周先生